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Kaya Yoga Remedy's Teacher Development + Mentorship Program is an experiential opportunity designed for yoga teachers looking to refine their expertise as an instructor. You will work with both Gilbert and Ashley Naungayan in the studio, refining hard teaching skills such as: intelligent sequencing, mindful adjustments, effective verbal cues and demos, and teaching off the mat. We also work towards developing soft skills that will contribute to your unique style of teaching. We address topics on student-teacher dynamics, taking control of the room, cultivating your yoga community, and much more. Expect to work in an open, safe learning environment with fellow instructors.

You will hone in on bringing consistency and purpose into your sequences specific to your teaching style. You will learn how to create valuable sequences to set your students up for success. 

You will refine your voice to bring clarity and more potency to your presence. Learn to trust a simple, clear language the is easily understood by all students. Shed your common “yoga jargon”;filler words, yoga myths, and cliches. Be effective and inspiring by bringing consistency and and accuracy.

You will learn the value and importance of touch in a the yoga room. Dive deeper into different types of adjustments while learning safe, supportive ways to make your students feel secure, and bring the more awareness and knowledge into their body. 
You will also receive a deeper understanding on the business and ethics of yoga. Cultivate a community for yourself, find a social media presence and much more.

Mentorship is separated into 5 modules, meeting on Fridays and Saturdays, with enough space invbetween to fully integrated the learned material.

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